Holiday Gift Ideas For The Kids
My favorite gift guide to share is always for the kids. I just love to make kids happy and spoil them sometimes. Of course, Santa is gifting half of it. Shhhh…

I know a lot of you struggle what to gift to your kids, so I hope that this guide will help you a bit.
Since we got our Amazon Prime membership, we have been shopping on a regular basis there for everything, especially for our kids.
I think Amazon is perfect for buying holiday gifts, because who can beat the two day Prime shipping? 🙂
Almost all of these toys that I’m recommending, my kids already used and still enjoy a lot! That’s why I wanted to share a guide approved by my kids. Lol. Since Fortnite is the most popular game these days, I think that every boy will enjoy this present!
So, if you still don’t have gifts for the kiddos, hurry up! Check out my list! It will be by your door in a few days! 🙂

First, I would like to highlight these magnetic bookmarks. My kids use them ALL the time! I have to admit, I borrowed a few from them. 🙂
These games are great for training the brain. I just love to play all of these with my kids.
The games that we play a lot!
Toys worth the investment!
Books we all love!
For a crafty child!
We just recently discovered these notebooks! They are great! You can write anything you want on the cover with these cubes, like Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas etc. So FUN!
This is the best kinetic sand EVER! You won’t regret this purchase.

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